
Civil war union navy bottswains uniforms
Civil war union navy bottswains uniforms

civil war union navy bottswains uniforms

Southern uniforms during the Civil War were usually dyed to make them gray or sometimes brown, this was done to at least try to give uniformity throughout the army. #ad An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Uniforms of the 19th CenturyĪs the war progressed it became increasingly more difficult for the Confederacy to produce and supply uniforms to their men. #ad Don Troiani’s Regiments & Uniforms of the Civil War

civil war union navy bottswains uniforms

If you are interested in reading more about the different uniforms from both sides some fantastic choices are Rebel soldiers would often have to capture Union provisions, clothing and weapons in order to sustain themselves.

civil war union navy bottswains uniforms

This made marching and fighting much easier but it came at a cost. Many of them also threw away their canteens in favor of a tin cup, which was smaller, could be used to boil water and was more convenient than lugging around a canteen.Ĭonfederate soldiers traveled much lighter than their Northern counterparts. They did not carry cap boxes and cartridge boxes opting instead to use their pockets to hold their caps and cartridges. A typical Confederate Civil War uniform consisted of:Ĭonfederate soldiers typically did not carry a knapsack, they fit everything they could into their haversacks, knapsacks were far too large and cumbersome to carry on a long march. Their uniforms were as bare bones as possible. Confederate UniformsĬonfederate soldiers traveled very light and did not want to be encumbered by carrying a lot of items. Officers uniforms were generally of much higher quality than the typical infantry soldier. In reality the common soldiers of the south had poor quality uniforms that were inferior to their Union counterparts. Ideally Confederate uniforms would look like Union uniforms just in a different color. The Confederate uniform was usually a hodgepodge and often the soldiers looked very different from each other. They had plenty of cotton for uniforms, they were also made of wool and jean but they didn’t have the means of producing proper uniforms in large quantities like the Union did.

Civil war union navy bottswains uniforms